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Thread: RPAL interviews

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    Called in again today (day 67) the lady was nice as always but this time transferred me to the QC CFO, where another nice lady told me that she was going to leave a note so my application get processed more rapidly loll... yeah right. To me it seems that at one point you have to call in sort of to tell them that you still want that license. I'm guessing in a few days one of my refs will get a call. Keeping my fingers crossed.
    I'll do what I have to do and deal with the consequences of my actions later

  2. #42
    Senior Member
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    You did get a reference number for your application, right?

    If you have a reference number, share that number with your people (who have yet to be interviewed) and ask your people to call 1.800.731.4000 (and to tell the operator your reference number) to be interviewed.

    You all really don't have to wait for any more games of phone tag.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Gaidheal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wendell View Post
    You all really don't have to wait for any more games of phone tag.
    Bwahahahahahaha - do you work in the system in any capacity? Your comment makes me think you do.

    *My* experience shows you may be wrong.
    pog mo thon

  4. #44
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    I just got off the phone with the lady for my interview, for those wondering it's about the same questions as the ones you answered on paper.
    like have you ever been arrested for this or that, or have you ever been reported to the police for violence, have you ever been treated for mental illness or have you recently suffered/been treated for depression and cherry on the sundae have you ever thought of killing yourself LOL
    Now all i'm waiting for is one of my Refs to be called which should be today Edit : they called both
    Then a few days for Canada Post to deliver my new RPAL

    EDIT: Current Status: Your application has been processed and your licence has been issued. If you have not received your licence within 2 weeks please contact the Canadian Firearms Program Toll Free number. (1-800 731-4000)
    Last edited by Kobs; 09-23-2014 at 07:04 PM.
    I'll do what I have to do and deal with the consequences of my actions later

  5. #45
    Senior Member Clinteastwoody's Avatar
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    nice to see our government has great management skills like consistency, integrity, reliability, honesty and a systematic approach....ohh did i say management I meant mismanagement whooops but whos counting anyways...surely not the govt it took me 7 months for my rpal but I didnt call them. Shame on me for not pushing them to do what my tax dollars pay them to do ie their job. The issue date on the card differs by a month and a half from when I recieved it too.
    Last edited by Clinteastwoody; 10-02-2014 at 04:27 AM.

  6. #46
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    ^^^ You definitely HAVE TO call after you think it's past due, some peoples at Miramichi might tell you you have to wait but others will transfer you to the provincial CFO's office (that's what happened to me) and the lady there like i said in another post said that she was going to put a note on the paperwork for it to be processed faster .

    As funny/bizarre as it might sound i do believe (here in QC any ways) that they're actually waiting for that call to go ahead with your paperwork as a sign that you want your license. After the initial 45 days stated on the web site or when you call and the lady at Miramichi says it's been sent to the provincial CFO, that's when you should start calling every 2 or 3 days. Mine took 3 months.

    EDIT: Oh and by the way, if you think having your license in your hands is the end of the wait *buzzer sound* when you go get your handgun you will wait some more for your ATT long term and short LOL. And make sure you're already a member of a shooting club cause for some stores it's as important as the rest of your paperwork, otherwise you will be the proud owner of a handgun stuck in a store vault (raises hand)

    RE Edit : Awww F*** just received a letter instead of my STATT, they're missing info about my membership to my shooting club. Seems it wasn't just the store wanting that membership proof. Hopefully they will be able to send it trough E-mail, i don't think i'll be able to wait any longer for that stupid paper.

    I'm a victim of Murphy's law and my own newbie-ness, you have to have your membership card in your hands when you go buy your gun... noted
    Last edited by Kobs; 10-14-2014 at 12:02 PM.
    I'll do what I have to do and deal with the consequences of my actions later

  7. #47
    Senior Member Gaidheal's Avatar
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    One of my 2 references got a letter in the mail TODAY, due back before August 2014.

    The letter they CLAIM to have sent out in June maybe? It's been so long I can't remember.

    They must be so busy they don't know if they should sh!t or go blind.

    Or maybe they are just not up to the task?

    pog mo thon

  8. #48
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    ?!?... they received a letter in september due back "before" august? I think you're going to have to make a call bro loll
    I'll do what I have to do and deal with the consequences of my actions later

  9. #49
    Senior Member Gaidheal's Avatar
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    Haven't gotten around to calling them to ask just WTF they do all day.

    I'm in no rush at the moment as the license the letter was for was issued months ago now.

    I really do think they are intentionally jamming people up to run up billable hours.
    pog mo thon

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  11. #50
    Senior Member Sodburner's Avatar
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    It ticks me of that they put so much fear into the process and make you hang by your fingernails. I doesn't have to be this way, but clear communication take effort... so.... as we're dealing with the government that is most likely out of the question.

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