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Thread: RPAL interviews

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidheal View Post
    Different situation with me. I've been waiting *months*. Finally got the CFO's office to get some info out of Miramichi. Their story is they could not contact either of my two contacts by phone so the further claim that letters were sent to both and no word was heard back from either...
    If you're waiting for a firearms license, and you think you've waited long enough, don't hesitate to call 1(800)731-4000 to ask about it. There might be an issue that - once known - you can help resolve.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Gaidheal's Avatar
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    The supposed issue was resolved the next morning after discovering what it was the night before with a quick phone call.

    Well - the STATED issue was resolved. Too bad the issue was that the reference had to make the call. Miramichi folks made two firearms owners upset in one day! I'm sure they would be pleased to hear that from what I've heard of them.
    pog mo thon

  3. #23
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    Both my references were interviewed twice within in a week.
    I must have been "special"
    Got my rpal 2 weeks later.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by coastal View Post
    I had a couple weird questions for a friends interview too like "Is he the type of person to solve a problem with violence?"

    I must fart rainbows, my references weren't even called.
    How about " Did Mr. X ever told you or have you heard him say that he wanted to end his life"
    I'll do what I have to do and deal with the consequences of my actions later

  5. #25
    Moderator kennymo's Avatar
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    Does it ever seem to anyone else that this whole process is completely made up on the fly? I had zero references checked for RPAL, including my wife. But the way every person seems to have a different story makes it feel like they're drawing ideas out of a hat. Or maybe there's a magic 8 ball running the show at Mirimichi....

  6. #26
    Senior Member Strewth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kennymo View Post
    Does it ever seem to anyone else that this whole process is completely made up on the fly? I had zero references checked for RPAL, including my wife. But the way every person seems to have a different story makes it feel like they're drawing ideas out of a hat. Or maybe there's a magic 8 ball running the show at Mirimichi....
    I think it's more of a lottery idea...maybe based on speeding tickets or something? I had no reference checks either, which just shows the system knows who is a good looking, stable, kitten feeding person.

  7. #27
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    ^^^ Yeah right !
    I'll do what I have to do and deal with the consequences of my actions later

  8. #28
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    Has it been 30 days? You can't really contact them until after 30 days

  9. #29
    Member killer_chickens's Avatar
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    Earlier this month, my application was listed as "processing" on the RCMP site, and I was leaving for vacation right away, so I phoned them to see if I could do my interview before leaving. The lady told me that I didn't need to do an interview, and gave me a phone number, extension, and reference number and suggested I get one of my references to call them.

    For what it's worth, she told me that the interview requirements are based on the results of the background check that's done as part of the process.

    The reference said he had a bit of trouble getting a hold of the person at the extension, but the interview was all pretty standard violence related questions. It must have gone well, as the RCMP site now lists my licence as mailed. Good thing, as the PAL this RPAL is replacing expires in Sept.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Strewth's Avatar
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    ^Very good thing.

    Towards the policies of the system (and joking aside) I do wonder if their is an unwritten regulation regarding ignoring applications for 90 days or so; everyone who's ever posted a story about calling in after about 30 days gets taken care of expeditiously (word of the day) and politely.

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