"I don't have a firearms problem; they all work perfectly well." - Strike that. I do have a problem; the gov't has decided some are too dangerous to own.
Membership: CCFR, SAFGC
Gov’t couldn’t make sense if you gave them a recipe.
Done, one of my top two enablers......
not a chance
Why does the rest of the country get first dibbs on half my income?
barkerlakebob (01-03-2021), Drache (12-21-2020), kennymo (12-21-2020)
Great business.
I note there is a dissenter among us. Would like to know the reason(s) for this. Perhaps it is a case of what that jerk used to say to me about my anger toward Liberals and gun control when he taunted me with "perceived injustices".
Guns are like potato chips....you can never have just one.
Never trust a politician who says, "trust me".
I will never get used to Big Brother looking over my shoulder!
I have seen the future.................and it SUCKS!!!!
(born in the wrong time & place)
Theme songs:
"I Wanna Go Back" by Eddie Money http://www.lyricsdownload.com/eddie-...ck-lyrics.html
"Dream On" by Aerosmith http://www.lyricsfreak.com/a/aerosmi..._20004389.html
Voting hasn't started yet!! We are all just nominating them so far.
Nomination Period
Voting Period
Winners Period
The Nomination Period is over soon!
The challenge of retirement is how to spend time without spending money.
There is no place in an anti's head where reason can enter. from a Napoleon saying with a tweak.
Look around is there someone you can introduce to shooting because that’s the only way we will buck the anti gun trend sweeping Canada! "tigrr 2006"
Is the voting period on now?
Has anyone signed up to vote?
Why does the rest of the country get first dibbs on half my income?