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  1. #21
    Junior Member Wildcard82's Avatar
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    Here is a great read on the history of Gun Control in Canada:

    From the Government actively subsidizing rifle marksmanship courses and zero control to today's totalitarian mess. (However onerous, I prefer what we have over California, DC, or NYC!)
    "When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." -Thomas Jefferson

    "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so." -Thomas Jefferson

    "Disarming a society is the surest way to enslave them." -George Mason

    Card Carrying NFA Member.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    rural, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildcard82 View Post
    Here is a great read on the history of Gun Control in Canada:

    From the Government actively subsidizing rifle marksmanship courses and zero control to today's totalitarian mess. (However onerous, I prefer what we have over California, DC, or NYC!)
    As they say "cheer up it could be worse; so I cheered up and sure enough.......things got worse."


  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waterloomike View Post
    That was brilliant Sir.

    I'm an old fart just like you.

    I've been witness to just how far this country has gone towards the Orwellian nightmare and every word you spoke is true.
    X2 for old fart and what was said
    I'll do what I have to do and deal with the consequences of my actions later

  4. #24
    Senior Member Petamocto's Avatar
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    TAR 21,

    Welcome to the forum. World record for the most FREEDOM in all caps, too. As everyone knows, it's not free, it costs a-buck-o-five.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drache View Post
    I've read those arguments before and when I first joined CGN I was one of the ones always claiming we had that right. But we don't. We have the right to self defense which is clearly stated. It also state we have the right to over throw a tyrannical ruler. But it doesn't say anything about the right to bear arms.
    A right is not something that needs to be outlined specifically for specific situations or items. Private property is private property. You can buy something, anything. It is how you use it that makes you a responsible peaceful person or a criminal. Assault is not a type of weapon. It is an action. There is no law against owning or carrying a firearm because it would be anticonstitutional. There is a still unchallenged law that states that someone will decide arbitrarily if you can carry one or not. When it is challenged in the Supreme Court, it will be killed as it was for Illinois for example, where everyone can now carry a concealed weapon after the very stiff state law was destroyed.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Gaidheal's Avatar
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    My son got his 1st gun at the age of 3. It was a single-shot, bolt-action Chipmunk. The rules were always clear and obvious: no fooling around or we go home.

    A buddy of mine still has the 1st shell from his 1st shot, 18 years ago. He put a lot of adults to shame that awesome day.

    He's now in the military, putting himself through nursing school.

    He is a member of his local club and shoots everything from hand guns to shotguns (he's contemplating shooting competitively)

    He has welcomed his girlfriend into the world of shooting and she is now an active participant in the sport.

    We need to introduce more non-shooters!

  7. #27
    Senior Member Foxer's Avatar
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    We need to introduce more non-shooters!
    Rarely have truer words been spoken. (well - typed anyway.)

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ePhoenix View Post
    There is no law against owning or carrying a firearm because it would be anticonstitutional. There is a still unchallenged law that states that someone will decide arbitrarily if you can carry one or not. When it is challenged in the Supreme Court, it will be killed as it was for Illinois for example, where everyone can now carry a concealed weapon after the very stiff state law was destroyed.
    You're clearly talking about a country other than Canada.

  9. #29
    Member 6MT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awndray View Post
    You're clearly talking about a country other than Canada.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edenchef View Post
    This is my first post to this forum, so please forgive me if I sound like a newby. I’m not new to this game.
    I have read a lot about how the “right to bear arms” is the final protection against government tyranny. An unalterable human right, something beyond mere law; something that belongs to “justice”, this I believe with all my heart (ex. RCAF Officer). All of what I have read, on this, many other gun forums, firearm websites, and in the truly free press; talk as if this is an event that might occur in the future and we need to be ready to stop it, when it happens. Question????? What if this tyranny by our government has already occurred? Not a fear for the future, but a thing of the present. These new gun laws and the courts support of them are just recognition of the fear of the power of this “human right to bear arms” in fighting the already existing tyranny. Now the tyrants and their servants are slowly, very slowly taking away our arms, hoping that by the time we wake up to this violation of our basic human rights; we are disarmed and helpless? Unable to mount an effective resistance to their “will of the state”.
    Let’s look at this situation very, very carefully….. government makes these gun laws, courts make rulings on those laws, police enforce(with threat of application or actual application of deadly force, including firearms) those rulings of the courts; against it’s own citizens, effectively disarming them and rendering them ineffective in resisting.
    Let’s look at the major players in this game:
    Government – Our elected representatives – whose first priority once getting elected to a position of power, becomes staying in power, not representing the citizens(us), who put them there.
    Judges – appointed by and paid by (guess who?) government, but misrepresented as being the independent “impartial arbiters of law”. Do they think we are that stupid? How can they possibly be “impartial”? They know who put them there, who pays their salaries, and who builds their grand palaces (law courts).
    Police—again, hired by, armed by, paid by; government. For the sole purpose of application of force against it’s own citizens.
    The minor, supporting players:
    Bureaucrats, civil servants—the nameless, faceless, unelected, unaccountable; the true enemies of freedom (as accused by Marcus Tulius Cicero, in the time of Julius Caesar). Guess who makes up the lists of restricted and prohibited guns?
    The news media—“Freedom of the press” What a crock of fertilizer. Who do you think the greatest buyer of advertising is……so think they are unbiased?
    I have probably violated the forum rules many times already, but my point for everyone is….THINK, please. This might not be a problem for the future, but a cold hard fact of our present. Thank you, Cheers!

    Well said, and I wholeheartedly concur. Though the hardest part is getting people to "think" when media/government does it for them........

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