My wife grew up around some not so 'gun safe' people, and she was in high school one county over from Columbine, so she was growing up with a not so good image of firearms.

When I met her I had only even been to 1 range ever, down in Florida, so my experience with firearms was severely limited, so I had a really hard time explaining to her why I eventually wanted to own a firearm. Eventually, after much convincing, I got her to come with me to Target Sports for, for my 2nd time shooting, and her 1st. Honestly, I didn't have to do much when we were there to convince her, the little safety briefing calmed her nerves, I shot first so she could watch, and then when she took her first shot... She was hooked, haha! We left with her going on about how much she loved the .357 and the 12 gauge!

Since then I got my RPAL, and she comes out with me almost every time I go out shooting. It's awesome. Hell, last time we were out, she wouldn't give me the Norc M305 back!