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  1. #21
    Senior Member Drache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizz Axxemann View Post
    I'll wait for someone with FRT access to verify it.
    Why didn't you just say please?

  2. The Following 6 Users Like This Post By Drache

    DanN (06-27-2018), firemachine69 (07-08-2018), glockfan (06-27-2018), Haywire1 (06-26-2018), SIR VEYOR (06-27-2018), Swampdonkey (07-08-2018)

  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizz Axxemann View Post
    The guys at IRG just seem to be pulling off reactionary bullshit to scoop business from people who have done the actual leg work because they can get stuff from their US "branch" for cheaper, and at a higher profit margin due to the lower overhead costs of not having a brick & mortar shop. Even Questar doesn't stoop to that, and they've been in the cross-border gun running business for a lot longer than IRG, Aztech, or anyone else I can think of.
    So you’re blaming them for volume buying power and realizing E-commerce is profitable for a widespread customer base? Most of the sponsors on here wouldn’t exist without their large number of e-sales. That aggressive business type of behaviour is what got us a lot of the non res stuff right now, especially at these price points. Everyone is still making money, but maybe in different ways. A range is supporting Phoenix’s sales. How many original Fortune 500 companies are still on there and doing what they always did? GE went last week.

    In a way, IRG helped create the “AR-ish” shotgun hey day on right now. Canada Ammo did the heavy lifting, said up front: “likely restricted”. It was, they decided not to import any at all. IRG did, proving the market existed. Another great company brought in variations (among other companies), and worked hard to get that interpretation revised to non res.

    Like any business, there’s things to like and not like. I’ve heard sketchy things about a lot of big online presence dealers paying to be here and at CGN. And smaller guys too.

    Overall, I’m happy IRG came out to play. They’re part of the more realistically priced, innovative, industry we have here today. Would the non res AR market be exploding in the sub $1k market without at least some of their presence? It’s caused businesses to reevaluate and develop new things. Without change, no growth. Without change, no innovation.
    Last edited by SIR VEYOR; 06-27-2018 at 05:47 AM.

  4. The Following 6 Users Like This Post By SIR VEYOR

    6MT (06-28-2018), CLW .45 (01-01-2019), DILLIGAF (07-06-2018), glockfan (06-27-2018), Gothic Line Armoury (03-24-2019), Kru-al (06-27-2018)

  5. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drache View Post
    Why didn't you just say please?
    All hail the cricket whisperer! He speaks, they out bigger than the Budwiser frogs!

  6. #24
    Senior Member glockfan's Avatar
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    stag non res lower-upper combo at 695..hhmmmmmiawooo!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Forbes/Hutton View Post
    I was hoping he would show up and do something useful in front of the cameras. Like beat the flames out with his face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Magi View Post
    This intellectual midget needs to rub the contents of a large tube of PREPARATION H® on his ego and then smack himself with the empty tube until he's in a permanent coma. !

  7. #25
    GOC Co-Founder jwirecom109's Avatar
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    9. Unsolicited posts by companies and/or individuals promoting themselves, a website, or a product are not allowed.
    two users have been banned due to shilling for the company they work for.

    Welcome to GOC, Site for honest, hardworking Canadians, that own firearms.

  8. The Following 5 Users Like This Post By jwirecom109

    ilikemoose (07-06-2018), kennymo (07-06-2018), lone-wolf (07-06-2018), Rory McCanuck (07-06-2018), Swampdonkey (07-08-2018)

  9. #26
    Senior Member DILLIGAF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizz Axxemann View Post
    The guys at IRG just seem to be pulling off reactionary bullshit to scoop business from people who have done the actual leg work because they can get stuff from their US "branch" for cheaper, and at a higher profit margin due to the lower overhead costs of not having a brick & mortar shop..
    They keep the bullshit NR tax verry low. and I applaud them for it. If it wasnt for them we still be getting rapped in Canada look at North Sylva and the MX10 ... hahahahh they blatantly rip off Canadian gun owners and give zero *cares* about it.

    Brick and mortar stores are a dying breed. If I can buy it online for cheaper why the heck would I get in my truck, waste gas, go into the store, have to talk to people and pay 15% tax instead of 5% when I buy online. Heck Everyone I know has Amazon prime. Save a metric ton of money, get your stuff in 2 days! And the best part all of this can be done naked from your living room.
    Last edited by Rory McCanuck; 07-06-2018 at 08:43 PM. Reason: F-bomb deleted

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    SIR VEYOR (07-06-2018)

  11. #27
    Part-Timer Grizz Axxemann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DILLIGAF View Post
    They keep the bullshit NR tax verry low. and I applaud them for it. If it wasnt for them we still be getting rapped in Canada look at North Sylva and the MX10 ... hahahahh they blatantly rip off Canadian gun owners and give zero *cares* about it.
    I find your grousing of the "NR tax" laughable. Sure, companies like North Sylva like to jack the price up something fierce, and I agree, it's bullshit, but you get to decide with your wallet. You don't like the price, don't buy it. For the rest of it, you've got to factor in exchange rates (which fluctuate daily) transport costs, and of course, the costs associated with running a gun shop.

    Quote Originally Posted by DILLIGAF View Post
    Brick and mortar stores are a dying breed. If I can buy it online for cheaper why the heck would I get in my truck, waste gas, go into the store, have to talk to people and pay 15% tax instead of 5% when I buy online. Heck Everyone I know has Amazon prime. Save a metric ton of money, get your stuff in 2 days! And the best part all of this can be done naked from your living room.
    Sadly, they are. Personally, I think it sucks. You see it different. I like to be able to hold something in my hand, or try it on before buying it. I like to ask questions from someone knowledgeable (I know, a rarity in this day and age) about the product I'm planning on spending my hard earned money on, since I don't have much of it to spend on toys. Needless to say, I blame jackasses like you for the death of the B&M storefront, and unscrupulous property management firms who keep jacking up rent for said locations. I grew up in a town where you got your meat from the butcher, your bread from the baker, and your produce from the green grocer and you were on first name basis with them. Quality was far better than what you're getting for the same price you're paying today (inflation adjusted, of course.) Mind you, back then gas was cheap, and things were built to last. I can see why you want to not burn fuel in your truck. It costs $200 to fill, and the doors fall off inside of 5 years. But that's because everyone wants their goods cheap cheap cheap.

    Remember the triangle of Cheap, Fast, and Well Made? You can only pick two. Well made is ALWAYS one of the corners for me. So if I want it fast, I have to be prepared to spend. If I want it cheap, I better be patient. But don't let my ramblings and grousing about the good old days stop you from ordering from someone who runs their business from a SeaCan and a PO Box.
    Yes, you can fix stupid, but the stupid folks have passed laws against it. - FallisCowboy

  12. #28
    Go Canucks Go! lone-wolf's Avatar
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    *puts on mod hat* No need to be calling other members jackasses.
    the wild still lingered in him and the wolf in him merely slept

    "It must be poor life that achieves freedom from fear" - Aldo Leopold

  13. #29
    Senior Member Drache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lone-wolf View Post
    *puts on mod hat* No need to be calling other members jackasses.
    Agreed! Just call them a "Trudeau Lover" instead.

  14. #30
    Senior Member DILLIGAF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizz Axxemann View Post
    I blame jackasses like you for the death of the B&M storefront.

  15. The Following User Liked This Post By DILLIGAF

    Grizz Axxemann (07-07-2018)

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