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View Full Version : New Nanuk Cases just in!

08-23-2017, 09:08 AM
Good morning Gun Owners of Canada,

We've just received some new Nanuk Cases in smaller sizes!

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20915447_10156527218298502_9193131091304920709_n.j pg?oh=f53095974d3dc87f42cc0b5af29808a7&oe=5A19CF68 (https://theshootingedge.com/search?q=new+nanuk)

These are perfect for one pistol and some ammunition for a quick trip to the range, or for some of your other sensitive gear! These cases are Pluck and Pick Foam lined with two layers of foam, so you can fit whatever you'd like without needing to get a knife out to cut the foam!



Colin D