Welcome to the Gun Owners of Canada.
Look here for the site rules and regulations...
New to GOC? Post an Introduction and Tell Us About Yourself
For Those New to the Shooting Sports and This Forum
News, Alerts, Letters, Articles etc - firearms related only.
Keep it clean, this is a public viewable section of the forum.
Information on current firearms laws etc
What are we doing to further the cause?
IDPA, skeet, 3 gun, trap, IPSC, cowboy action etc.
Meat for the table and a mount for the wall.
Plinking games, reactive targets and fun themes
Canadian Firearms Discussion!!
Long Range Bolt Guns and Tight Groups
Semi-Automatics and Revolvers
Tactical Sporting Rifles and Carbines
Vintage and World War Era Military Arms
Communist Rifles, Vintage and Reproductions
Dedicated Hunting Rigs and Plinkers
Scatterguns, New and Old, Black or Not.
Cheap to Shoot Plinkers and Gopher Guns
Surplus Military Arms Left Behind
Late 19th Century Arms and Modern Reproductions
Ammo that's ready-made.
Talk about the ins and outs of making your own ammo.
Fix it! Clean it!
Pointy stick throwers and their accoutrements.
Sharp shiny stuff.
Anything that's gear related. EDC, camping, hiking, tac gear etc
Survival and prepping discussion. Some zombie threads allowed.
All Dealers may Post information here.
A section for Manufacturers & Distributors, for Production sold in Canada
This section is for Information & Consumer interaction. No Sales are to take place.
Keep it clean
Competitions to coffee nights.
What's happening in the world today.
Discuss past and present entertainment, from Ernest Hemingway to Michael Bay and everything in between.
Gun Owners of Canada Members are welcomed to network for non firearms related endeavors here:
Jobs, Projects, local Networking.
What else are you into?
For anything under the sun
Issues with the forum? Post it here
There are currently 655 users online. 5 members and 650 guests
Most users ever online was 14,715, 08-22-2019 at 11:43 AM.
Welcome to our newest member, Neil knelsen