Congrats guys
Congrats guys
You had me at Bacon
Very clever preying on jwire's love for the Tick, zulu....
I said to the better half "HA! You see, I am not the only one who is prepared for the zombie hordes or liberal wh***s!
Ok winners send me your info in a pm and we will forward your prizes. Thanks to everyone for joining in on this one and making it fun !
Lol sweet, SPOON! Ill be shootin these new precision....when its done.
Every time I scroll down the forum main page I keep reading this thread as "Obama" instead of "Osama". Interesting that they are only two letters off. Hmmm. New zombie target? Just sayin'
Our gun laws are so strict that it's like having a complete gun ban but with Vaseline...
It was the way you typed "Because SPOON" , the capital letters immediately made me think Tick.
Tick: You know, Arthur, when you spend two months riding around on a really big man, you start to learn a few things about yourself. You learn that it is a really great thing to stay on Earth and live in a place that has no arms or legs of its own. And most importantly, Arthur, you learn how to close your eyes and tell yourself that this just isn't happening to me.
Congrats, zulu. There is no shame in losing to the Tick. ...or to FALover's collection.
I like guns.
As I scrolled past on the main forum I thought it said Obama targets.
NFA and CSSA Member