View Poll Results: How long does it take to issue a club-level ATT in Ontario?

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  • Within a week

    2 14.29%
  • Within two weeks

    0 0%
  • Within three weeks

    5 35.71%
  • One month

    5 35.71%
  • More than two months

    2 14.29%
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  1. #11
    Senior Member 3MTA3's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Ontario requires that you take a club level "ATT" course- most other provinces don't I think. After the club secretary verifies you have junped all the hoops it usually is just a matter of the club submitting your name on a form.The ATT is returned from Orillia electronically most cases - This is usually quite quick-about 1 to 5 days.

  2. #12
    Senior Member mrg372k9's Avatar
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    Over there
    Quote Originally Posted by 3MTA3 View Post
    Ontario requires that you take a club level "ATT" course- most other provinces don't I think. After the club secretary verifies you have junped all the hoops it usually is just a matter of the club submitting your name on a form.The ATT is returned from Orillia electronically most cases - This is usually quite quick-about 1 to 5 days.
    1 to 5 days? Oh dear!! Somebody must be on vacation... so far it's been 1 to 5 weeks

  3. #13
    Senior Member Flashpoint's Avatar
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    May 2014
    Yeah. Mine was a month in the making. .
    "I see you have your autocorrect turned off. I aslo liek to lvie dnageruosly."
    I see you have your autocorrect turned back on. I also like to lube degenerates."

    The three scariest things in aviation are:
    1. A flight attendant with a chipped tooth,
    2. An air traffic controller on break,
    and 3. A doctor in a Beechcraft Bonzana.

  4. #14
    Senior Member 3MTA3's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Hey I am just talking about the club ATTs that I see being sent in, not including the course etc, just from when they are sent in to when they come back.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by 3MTA3 View Post
    Ontario requires that you take a club level "ATT" course- most other provinces don't I think. After the club secretary verifies you have junped all the hoops it usually is just a matter of the club submitting your name on a form.The ATT is returned from Orillia electronically most cases - This is usually quite quick-about 1 to 5 days.
    Sorry.. but that is incorrect. There is nothing within the FA or regs that actually says you have to take such a course at all. That has been admitted to as well in court by the CFO when pressed the same as membership is not required by law. In addition there is no such thing as a "club ATT"... as per parliament's own words as put into law an ATT is something between the officials and the license owner. The club does not issue any ATT ever.. since they have zero authority to do any such thing.

    Now that said.. most clubs insist on anyone new doing their course and some (with more common sense though either way that is their right.. and if you don't like it just go elsewhere) will give exemptions for those that already posses the proper knowledge and skills to be safe.
    (again proven in court much to wyatt's dismay)

    The idea that you MUST get an ATT through a club is a myth at best and a flat out lie in reality.. sadly perpetuated by many including those that do not actually know the law. Wyatt and his ilk of course take full advantage and abuse this every chance they possibly can get.

    And of course for any real newb.. TAKE THE COURSE!!! The official test to get your RPAL etc is IMHO a joke and newbs most often need that additional instruction though not all (depends on other experience)

    I for example have never taken that course.. but I came to this with experience since I was a young kid and when in court even had signed certifications from instructors (again to wyatts dismay)
    Last edited by Shalimar; 08-05-2014 at 10:48 AM.

  6. #16
    Senior Member 3MTA3's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Sure OK-This is not done by most clubs , just so they can push more paper and volunteer more hours or suffer abuse by members- It is done by request of the Ontario CFO-
    Go try to get an ATT in Ontario with out belonging to a club or taking the so called "ATT" Course. The CFO has made this a requirement of clubs in ON. Is it Possible to get without a club membership and course?- Yes ;-Easy?-

    Definitely not.
    1.1 A chief firearms officer may issue to an individual
    an authorization to transport if the chief firearms officer
    determines that the transportation of a restricted
    firearm or prohibited firearm, as the case may be, between
    two or more specified places will not pose a threat
    to the safety of the individual or any other individual
    I guess this one way they try to ensure this- rightly or wrongly.
    Last edited by 3MTA3; 08-05-2014 at 12:29 PM.

  7. #17
    Senior Member 3MTA3's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Also- there is regulation that requires safety training for range use;
    7. (1) The operator of a shooting range shall ensure
    that every person who indicates an intention to use the
    shooting range for the first time is informed of the safety
    rules used at that shooting range.

    (2) No person may use a shooting range for the first
    time without having received the information referred to
    in subsection (1).
    This can be simple or more involved but it required whether a ATT is needed or not.

    5. The operator of an approved shooting range shall
    ensure that the discharge of firearms on the shooting
    range does not endanger the safety of persons at the
    shooting range or in the portion of the surrounding area
    described in paragraph 3(2)(a), by taking appropriate
    measures, including ensuring that
    (a) the design and operation of the shooting range

    (i) is such that projectiles discharged from firearms
    will not leave the shooting range if they are discharged
    there in accordance with the safety rules,
    (ii) promotes the safety of all persons on the shooting
    range, including by accommodating any adaptation
    that may be appropriate given the nature of the
    shooting activities that may take place and the type
    and calibre of firearms that may be used there;
    Last edited by 3MTA3; 08-05-2014 at 12:26 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mad Hatter View Post
    CFO's have imposed a minimum 2 week waiting period for first time ATT's in Alberta I know.
    Proof? If someone at the CFO's office said that demand it in writing!!!

    Why? Simple.. they legally cannot do that since that would be in direct violation of the law and no. the CFO's cannot use "discretion" to add that sort of condition.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by desiel View Post
    Alberta processed 13000 new not renewed pal/rpal in the first 1/4 of this year and i was told it was looking the same for the second 1/4. Thinks that speed this up. Long membership standing, restricted owner, competitive shooter, which usually shows the above. Stop bitching about wait times i would just as soon see 20000 new card holders and wait an extra month cause that means more votes for us at election time and a bigger voice to make changes. Hope you get your latt soon.
    No offense.. but start bitching more.. only to your MP. Parliament intended the system to be quick by their own words and the letter of the law. Therefore delays on that which should have never existed in the first place are unacceptable regardless of how many card holders there are.

    And new card holders are a good thing esp if they listen, learn and get into the fight.

  10. #20

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