Quote Originally Posted by RangeBob View Post
The CFSC (Canadian Firearms Safety Course) is required before you can apply for your PAL.
If you pass the CRFSC (Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course), your PAL is modified to have the word "restricted" available under both Possession and Acquisition categories -- meaning you can buy restricted firearms.
Many people take the CFSC and the CRFSC together, so their first PAL includes both non-restricted and restricted.
The instructor of the CFSC/CRFSC will send a copy of your test results to the Canadian Firearms Program, and you will also send a copy(s).
The PAL is a federal document.

The Hunter Course has no effect on your PAL. I believe its a provincial course in all provinces.
Nope. Until the "Common sense firearms legislation" passes, which it has not yet, you can still challenge either exam without actually sitting through the course.