September Permit Delay
Normally, by now we would have our export permits in hand for the September shipment and be getting packed up for the shipment this weekend.

However... at this point we are still waiting for Foreign Affairs to issue our IIC so that we can then apply to the DDTC and BIS for the export permits. Typically an IIC take 3-5 days... we are now on day 19! Our calls to them are answered with "there is no problem, we're working on it"
Maybe it's not a problem for them, but for us, it is definitely a problem.

So, at this point the Sept 5th import date is not going to be possible. Without the IIC in hand we cannot start the export permit application, so we are not able to predict the date... we can say that it will not be any earlier than the 19th because even if we get the IIC today, the US guys typically take 2-3 weeks to approve the permit applications... we can only hope that the DDTC and BIS are expedient this time and we are not pushed back too far.

I will update here as soon as we get the IIC.
Thank you all for you patience.