Quote Originally Posted by RobertMcC View Post
How about calling? Or quickly emailing them again? Only they are going to give you the answer you are looking for. I had to do that with another business. It appeared that some emails, got lost in a junk folder. I purchased something in June, they took my money. But dealing with them before, there situations out of their control. And things take time, so normally if you need something quick, Importing might not be the best option. Due to too many factors.
I’ve called. Their phone number has been removed from the website header and the contact page. I tried Darius’ cell number and got a female voice generic message. I’m officially VERY nervous about where my money is.

I only imported as a last resort, as after contacting multiple retailers in Canada and them contacting Mossbergs distributors, nobody could get the model I want. Darius said “no problem”.

I’ve now called twice, emailed twice and text messaged. All within the last 13 days. All very polite messages. If I don’t hear anything in the next couple of days, I’m going to have to consider my options...

I did get an automated reply to creating an account though.