Renewed online 2019-03-28
I decided to be proactive, So, next day, on 2019-03-28 called the 1-800 number, asked if they would be requiring proof of Range Membership. Guy on the phone asked what Province I'm in, said yeah probably, gave me the e-mail address for, I assume, the CFO in Manitoba. Said email a pic of my range membership with Name, address, DOB, PAL #, and that they'd know what to do with it.

Checking status online every day and today 2019-04-05 ..............tada!

Current Status: Your application has been processed and your licence has been issued. If you have not received your licence within 2 weeks please contact the Canadian Firearms Program Toll Free number. (1-800 731-4000)

7 Days (including a weekend) ............. not too shabby!