Completely new to this, had fully completed application for PAL/RPAL (no missing information), checked No to all personal questions on the application, in Ontario. I'm about as clean bean and boring as it gets. Very stable, never any issues with the law (not even speeding/parking tickets) or anything else for that matter. Good career, same wife for what seems like forever My timeline went something like this:

Feb 4/16 - Completed PAL/RPAL courses. The instructor sent/mailed off the test results the very next day.
Feb 17/16 - Received stamped test results from CFO
Feb 17/16 - Application sent via Canada Post priority to RCMP
Feb 22/16 - Received by RCMP
Mar 10/16 - Appeared online (Status check)
Mar 10/16 - Credit card was charged
Arp 7/16 - It's been 45 days and haven't heard anything. None of my references called, so I called in around 2:30pm, spent about 5 minutes on hold. Got an agent and was told everything was good, and if I wanted to speed things up, to have one of my references call in, and dial an extension. Lady was super nice and polite.
Apr 7/16 - One of my references called in, spent longer on hold in the queue than he did talking to the agent. They asked a few questions about me, and that was it. Reference sent me a text saying he called, so I checked status online, and it's completed and issued. Just waiting for it to show up in the mail now.

So for me, I didn't hear anything the entire time until I called in after waiting the 45 days. I suppose if I called after the 28 days it might have gone just as smooth. I'm wondering if it makes any differences that both my references checked that they were only available to be called in the evenings... not sure. When the lady told me to have a reference call in, she said they had to do it between 9AM and 5PM my time. They never called me, or my wife, and only wanted to speak to one reference. The reference they spoke to doesn't have a PAL, so that doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

No I can start window shopping while I wait for my card to show up! YAY!