Quote Originally Posted by amolkapoor View Post
Ooh, can I be Minister of Finance? Would love to say NO to quite a few people!
Let's see:

Unions: We need more money to support our hardly working employees only making 3 times the national average for the same job in the private sector, but with lifetime job guarantee regardless of performance!
Me: Oh didn't you get the memo? All unions are now dissolved, and all positions will be re-hired based on merit over the next 6 months! Buwahahaha!!

I could think of a few others
But we need unions...for ...things....

What you do is levy a 100% tax on union dues. If you can afford to pay $50 a month to a do nothing union, then you can afford the same amount for healthcare, etc. No more tax-free status for unions, the union has to pay 99% of the dues received to the government. Let's so whose still pro-union when the dues rise to $5,000 a month, and they have to pay the same in taxes.