Anyone order one during the sale?
Did it come with instructions?
Anyone order one during the sale?
Did it come with instructions?
Why does the rest of the country get first dibbs on half my income?
Ever feel like you're talking to yourself?
Why does the rest of the country get first dibbs on half my income?
gtr (02-03-2017)
I hear crickets.
Why does the rest of the country get first dibbs on half my income?
You will be fine as long as you don't feel them..
Go to www.weaponsguild. com.
More discussion there.
I'm not a member on weapons guild.
I kind of figured I'd get an answer on here within a month.
Why does the rest of the country get first dibbs on half my income?
Up until this point, I was intrigued; I tried the link and here is where it went:
This site can’t be reached
www.weaponsguild’s server DNS address could not be found.
Did you mean
Search Google for weaponsguild
Right now, confidence is low
If I remember correctly there was a write up on a rifle build on Frank DeHass's design in The Home Shop Machinist. Not sure if it was Frank or somebody else did a build. It would likely take me a year of digging through my stuff to find it though. I used to get the magazine as well as some others, you could go to THMS web site and maybe find some info, not sure if you can look at past issues. I'm intrigued but I have way to many projects to get done before the end comes.