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  1. #28
    Senior Member harbl_the_cat's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    A few points to add - I think it's important to genuinely convince your fiancée that even in a moment of rage, you will never resort to violence towards her AND your gun ownership will never be a source of danger in your relationship.

    My wife knew I was a gun nut when we were dating and just before we were engaged, I had the honour of having my guns taken away by the police through a false, malicious public-safety call made by a personal opponent. My fiancée stuck with me through the court proceedings (which made me know she the one - because that was 6 months of pure hell and I would not have gotten through it without her).

    After I got everything back, I became an even bigger gun nut than before but instituted an absolutely unequivocal personal philosophy to NEVER appear threatening or violent to anyone and to do everything in my power to NOT alienate or make enemies.

    Especially to those I love, but also to people I just met.

    The most important thing to do that is to properly manage relationships with EVERYONE.

    I try to not quarrel with or transgress with ANYONE, and when I do, to genuinely seek to make amends.

    When it comes to guns the BIGGEST danger isn't from misuse, negligence, or accidents. It's from the government sending agents to take them away from you.

    As it stands, the way they do that is by taking advantage of the fact that people have falling outs with one another.

    Ambiguously restrictive laws and snitch lines are setup with which the State can justify sending in tac-teams to bust down your door in the middle of the night, hold you up at gun point, hog-tie you in front of your neighbours, cart off your cherished personal property as if it were trash, and shame and terrorise your entire family.

    If you have ANY personal enemies make sure you realize that at any point in time, they can call the RCMP and file a baseless public safety concern against you and make that a reality.

    Make friends, not enemies. Foster a mentality that makes it clear that such is a priority to you.

    If you have guns and act like a bad*ss, that doesn't bode well for you, and it probably doesn't do much to lay your fiancée's fears to rest. (It also sets you up to get your guns taken away from you by the government).

    When we were first married, my wife was VERY concerned that this might happen again. In fact, that was the biggest resistance I got from here when it came to owning guns. She has seen how I have reformed my personality and now she just shrugs her shoulder and laughs it off when Canada Post drops off, big, heavy brown boxes.
    Last edited by harbl_the_cat; 03-31-2014 at 10:55 AM.
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