Thank god thats over with, love my morning coffee haha

So instead of opening up a new thread for one question, I figured I would write it here. I'm having a tough time deciding between two choices as my first firearm. The two I have had my eyes on for some time have been an AR15 (DD preferably, but if none available I would go Stag), and a Glock 17. Now I'm back in school, so it has to be one or the other for now due to budgetary concerns. Just curious which you guys would choose, and why. I'm looking for something that the fiancé can learn to shoot, and will offer a relatively enjoyable first experience. The reason I don't just go Norc is due to my firm belief in buy once, cry once. I would like a gun that will last me for a long time to come, and can be used in courses, should I decide to take them in the future.
I would love to hear your guys feedback and ideas.