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  1. #1
    Resident Combine Pilot JustBen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dewey Cox View Post
    You are coming across as a lunatic.
    Please be aware of that.

    Also when you refer to software engineering it sounds like you're doing computer programming. Which is not engineering. If you aren't registered with APEGA (or the equivalent provincial body), you cannot call yourself an engineer anywhere in Canada.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    "my dosing was pretty typical of most patients (who dose)," ... "she recommended I do more "off" days" which politely means she thinks you're doing too much. - "too much" would be to quit. She made no such recommendation

    "alleviate the symptoms of my illnesses: depression, anxiety, and insomnia" = "disassociate from reality" I used to think so too, until I realized just how severe of an illness depression especially can be.

    "Conservatives for years have held to this dogmatic belief that cannabis is this evil substance that rots your brain." Ad hominem, and over-reaching. Not all cons, so to speak. And remember, the PPC are still cons. Pot, meet kettle. (Pun intended) I feel the PPC are more nationalist/libertarian than conservatives. I think that split is going to grow wider on a wide range of issues, cannabis in particular, and especially between the Libertarians and SoCon's

    "dosed properly and with an informed mind" Can a dosed mind be reliably informed, or is it inherently biased due to the dosing? I used to not think so either until I did the research and experimentation, under a Doctor's supervision. For anyone in Calgary, I highly recommend this clinic:

    "absolute miracle medicine" Evidence req'd Research required. I've done mine.

    The only real reason I don't argue against pot is because to be intellectually consistent I'd have to argue against alcohol, too. Do you believe that if used in the same way alcohol is different from pot? No. That's not to say they both don't have risks, but doing the research, alcohol has a greater likelihood to induce negative side effects. Jordan Peterson put it very eloquently here:

    "Societies for hundreds of years before science was even invented knew cannabis was effective medicine" Which societies? You mean the ones that didn't invent the wheel, or the ones who did ritual human sacrifices? Scythians, Greeks, Romans, Thracians, English, Israelis, French, Indian. Heck, even the Americans before the 1930's used it the same way we use Tylenol.

    "so many on "our side" hold to irrationally dogmatic and ill-informed beliefs about what is essentially a medical health panacea" says every pot-head I've ever met. I have yet to see any study that shows pot cured anything worse than a hangover. Could it be because for most of the last century it was a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance and it was illegal to research it in the US?

    "Medicinal cannabis saved my wife, my life, and my marriage." I hope that's true. Now, and into the future. Believe me, it is.

    "I was a good "conservative."" In my experience, political affiliation has little to no reflection on who smokes pot; I see many on both sides of the political spectrum. This is perhaps a dogma you hold yourself and project on others. It was certainly the belief I held prior when I was an ardent (and suffering) conservative. So were (and are) many of my conservative peers.

    "Life isn't about enjoyment. I have very little enjoyment in my life." That's a problem, not just a symptom. "The pursuit of happiness is a pointless goal" - Jordan Peterson.
    Meaning trumps happiness. Happiness in excess turns you into a hedonist when it's abundant, a nihilist when it is scarce.

    Meaning enriches life when happiness is present, and sustains it when it is gone.
    Quote Originally Posted by JustBen View Post
    To what extend have you researched and used medical cannabis?

    Also when you refer to software engineering it sounds like you're doing computer programming. Which is not engineering. If you aren't registered with APEGA (or the equivalent provincial body), you cannot call yourself an engineer anywhere in Canada.
    I am a registered P.Eng. with a degree in Software Engineering, 15 years practicing in the industry. Programming is a part of Software Engineering, but my industry specialization is Quality Assurance and Software Testing. I also have a strong background in Systems Integration, System Architecture, Systems Analysis, Business Analysis, Database Analysis, Project Management, and Technical writing.

    Fun fact, generally speaking, industry experienced Canadian Software Engineers are among the best in the world (because there are so few of us and we have to wear so many different hats).
    Last edited by NickYYC; 09-27-2019 at 03:32 PM.

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