Quote Originally Posted by awndray View Post
I'm curious about the reason for capitalizing the word right. Are you implying something that I fail to see or comprehend? I don't know that I take exception to your thoughts necessarily, but certainly the way you say it. We do indeed have rights and freedoms afforded to us by the Charter. We do indeed also have other rights, as prescribed by Section 26 of the Charter. I understand that much. The reality is, as much as want to refer to the English Bill of Rights and the British North America Act, we don't truly have those rights. Sadly, we have the Firearms Act. We have privileges. The only reason government is in power is because we've given them that power. Our families, friends and neighbors are just as much to blame for this. They too are holding the proverbial gun to our head.

Please don't take this as an anti gun rights rant. I fully support and a donating member of our CSSA and NFA. I do what I can to promote our sports and hobbies. I also write my regional, provincial and federal officials. I want nothing more than to enjoy a life without the many restrictions place upon me, but I live in a society that won't allow it. I'll keep fighting it though.
It is true, that all we have, officially; in so far as government goes, are state granted privileges. However, the state only exists through the privilege of it's people. I like to remind people of that. Especially state agents. they serve us, it is not the other way around. Though, it's difficult to recognise it that way at this time. It sure seems to not be the case. It seems a great deal more as if we serve them. And I hate that with every fibre of my being.

I don't know when I started capitalizing Rights. I see them as special and more than just rights with a small r. I may have seen it written that way somewhere.

As long as you keep fighting, and as long as we stand together, we haven't lost.