In Canada, we have a very stringent firearms culture and regulatory environment and while these firearms are available in Canada, they are classified as restricted, requiring extensive training and background checks to obtain a license, and fire one bullet at a time from a magazine limited to five rounds.

If there was any evidence that further restricting law abiding business owners and gun owners would make our country safer, our industry members would be on board

But Canada’s regulatory environment already provides the most stringent protection around the purchase and ownership of firearms. No additional firearms regulations are going to prevent a disturbed individual from carrying out a deranged plan to attack a school.

Perhaps I am a little sensitive to the words quoted above.

But, after more than fifty years of seeing such statements read as support for restrictions on firearms owners, from firearms owners, perhaps I can be forgiven.

Perhaps, there is nothing to forgive.

The first quote was followed by this:

In practical terms, they are no more dangerous in Canada than a typical hunting rifle.
An entirely appropriate assessment, the significance of which was destroyed by the previous sentence.

Understand, this document was not aimed at us.

It was aimed at the anti-rights crowd, and those who know little or nothing about the situation.

What they see is stringent controls and restrictions may make these okay, but in the American environment, baby killers.

The other red quotes have similar connotations.