We are running another Facebook Contest just for the fun of it.

Yes I know not everyone is on Facebook.


So here is the Deal.

Since Hunting season has just recently come to an end for most of us, We will be doing Your Best of the Best hunting pictures.
It can be anything, best animal, best group picture, etc etc, doesn't have to be from 2012, But it MUST be your original picture, pulling something off google doesn't count.

You'll need to post the picture with your Username you use on GOC to qualify.

Judging will take place on Sunday Dec 9, 2012 and we will announce the winner on Dec 9 around 9:00 pm MST

So get to it everyone.

Prize will be another sticker/patch pack, 1 bumper stick, 1 3.5" sticker and 1 Patch.
