Barrie has a waiting list - at least they did a couple of years ago - and you can put yourself on it and wait. I was called within 6 months of being put on the list. Guelph is tough to get into, for sure.

But for handguns, Calibre (Target Sports) is taking people now. I don't know the situation at Gagnon.

It goes make a difference whether you are Toronto west end (in which case Burlington is not so bad) or east end (in which case Gagnon, or Oshawa, or the Marksmen club ( are better. I don't know much about the latter, but it looks like they are taking new members.

Toronto never had much by the way of gun clubs in the last 10-15 years. There was the one at Union station, and the one at U of T, which were shut down, but not by Tory - it was by the socialist who was mayor before Rob Ford, forgot his name. There was another out on the Lakeshore, but I know nothing about it.
