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  1. #1

    Convert Your Cold Room into a Vault-Room

    Dear Forum Members.

    This is our first post here, instead introducing our brand, we whish to introduce a new product, developed in Canada for Canadian market:

    The idea is to use average Canadian house basement for a complete firearm vault - and if you have a few guns that could be the solution for your little secured "home arsenal" - with a fancy display, or without.

    Why basement? It has the cold room; the only concrete walls space in the house you don't need to reinforce for making it closed vault.

    What else you can do with your secured room? Panic room (save room), in case you leave in a remote place, or think its not too safe in your neighborhood.

    What's the innovation? Our residential vault door is constructed from a few panels, two handy people can easily install it in 2-3 hours time.
    Because its modular, we also deliver it as an "IKEA style" furniture, so your neighbors or anyone else who is not suppose to know you have vault in your house will not notice.

    Click the link to learn more. Feel free to contact us for details!


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    Last edited by INKAS; 03-07-2023 at 04:00 PM. Reason: Adding image

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Welcome, new dealer. My understanding is the owner doesn't care about this place, so please feel free to continue advertising at no cost to you. Beware of the moderators though. For some odd reason, they still care.
    Last edited by awndray; 03-07-2023 at 07:50 PM. Reason: speelin'

  3. The Following User Liked This Post By awndray

    stevebc (03-07-2023)

  4. #3
    Senior Member Aniest's Avatar
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    Mar 2019
    Edmonton & East Alberta
    Need to fix the Floating Feature blocking the right hand part of the screen on Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Chrome:

    Your website nowadays is what? 75% of a person's first impression of a company?

    No. I don't want contacted. Buying from a site that is easier to use and has 'starting at' pricing on it.
    Anyone who screams 'FREEDOM' but does not give it, especially freedom from something someone else has freedom of, they are the true traitors to all freedom: they don't want freedom, they want privilege, they want to abuse, they want to violate... and they want to do it with impunity.

  5. #4
    Senior Member spider69's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    It's been my experience that unless a basement has an excellent moisture control system,using a cold room is a very bad idea.

  6. The Following 2 Users Like This Post By spider69

    Aniest (03-08-2023), blacksmithden (03-07-2023)

  7. #5
    Señor Member Dewey Cox's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Middle East Alberta
    Where are you supposed to put your potatoes then?
    Why does the rest of the country get first dibbs on half my income?

  8. The Following 3 Users Like This Post By Dewey Cox

    blacksmithden (03-07-2023), Brad (03-08-2023), R&R Rancher (03-08-2023)

  9. #6
    The Gunsmithing Moderator blacksmithden's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    I live among the creatures of the night (Edmonton)
    The one thing my house is lacking is a cold room for storing food. I sure wish I had one.
    GOC moderator
    Dealer/co-founder/co-owner of Tundra Supply Ltd.
    June 2013 - The High River Gun Grab - NEVER FORGET !!!!
    Feb 26 2014 - Swiss Arms prohibition and ordered confiscation by the RCMP - NEVER FORGET !!!!!
    May 1 2020 - Liberal un-democratic mass prohibition order in council. - NEVER FORGET !!!!!
    October 21 2022 - Liberals ban all handgun sales and transfers in Canada via order in council - NEVER FORGET !!!

  10. The Following 2 Users Like This Post By blacksmithden

    Aniest (03-08-2023), Brad (03-08-2023)

  11. #7
    Señor Member Dewey Cox's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Middle East Alberta
    When I lived in Edmonton I built a "cold closet"
    It was an insulated closet up against a foundation wall. Had a big wine rack, and a set of shelves for food.
    It was beside the water meter, so I was going to pipe the water main into there, run it through a few coils of pipe and back again, but I moved, so I didn't.
    Why does the rest of the country get first dibbs on half my income?

  12. The Following 2 Users Like This Post By Dewey Cox

    blacksmithden (03-08-2023), M1917 Enfield (03-08-2023)

  13. #8
    Senior Member
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    Powell River, BC.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aniest View Post
    Need to fix the Floating Feature blocking the right hand part of the screen on Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Chrome:

    Your website nowadays is what? 75% of a person's first impression of a company?

    No. I don't want contacted. Buying from a site that is easier to use and has 'starting at' pricing on it.
    I agree, whatever browser samsung uses, I only get 3/4 of the page, and since I have no idea whether they are $1500.00 or $15,000.00, I can't be bothered to go to my desktop to see other 1/4 of page, maybe price is over there, guess I'll never know.

  14. The Following User Liked This Post By Greglc

    Aniest (03-08-2023)

  15. #9
    Senior Member Battle Beaver's Avatar
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    Southern Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Dewey Cox View Post
    Where are you supposed to put your potatoes then?
    In your potato gun(s) ?

    If you truly want to understand the present, or your self, you must begin in the past.
    History is not simply a study of the past, it's an explanation of the present.

  16. #10
    Senior Member Camo tung's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dewey Cox View Post
    Where are you supposed to put your potatoes then?
    In the back of your Speedo?
    "It is an absolute truism that law-abiding, armed citizens pose no threat to other law-abiding citizens."

    Ammo, camo and things that go "blammo".

    “That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.” ― George Orwell

  17. The Following User Liked This Post By Camo tung

    Rory McCanuck (03-09-2023)

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