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  1. #1
    Senior Member DanN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxer View Post
    Its true but it's definitely not the fight to pick when the libs are in power. They would just 'close the rivet loophole' and demand we do something even more stupid.
    We know this fight is coming regardless; is there a way we can use this to gain momentum with the public before the libs start drafting laws?
    "I don't have a firearms problem; they all work perfectly well." - Strike that. I do have a problem; the gov't has decided some are too dangerous to own.
    Membership: CCFR, SAFGC
    Gov’t couldn’t make sense if you gave them a recipe.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Foxer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanN View Post
    We know this fight is coming regardless; is there a way we can use this to gain momentum with the public before the libs start drafting laws?
    well sure, there's always a way. It's usually a matter of resources and priorities - if we had endless money we could do it all

    I think the main focus when it comes to the public is to try to get the message out that we're already under a huge amount of law and that it's getting unreasonable, and any additional laws are unreasonable and expensive and such. But we need to pick issues that they can understand in just a few sentences, and that it's harder to spin by the libs and anti's. For example - we can explain how much we have to go thru to own and shoot a handgun in under 30 seconds, and people will understand that. It will be fairly clear that adding more restrictions are pointless and that the libs are just fostering a culture of intolerance and division. But mag restrictions are more difficult - it takes time to explain the current laws and how they're limited by a pin and such, and the libs can easily counter with "ok, so we'll make it more than a pin" and " do you want a criminal to be able to shoot 5 people or 100? That's why we limit mags". And it's hard to counter that with people who's attention span is perhaps 10 seconds.

    It might be even better to take a more general view and point out that Liberals already wasted 2 billion dollars going after gun owners to no benefit, and now they're at it again and it's all about division and intolerance. Why are they wasting money and resources going after us? That's something people can understand in a few seconds.

    One of our most powerful points during the last time the libs were in power and grabbing guns was "You fight crime by going after the hells angels, not ducks unlimited". People got that in a second.

    About 20 percent of the population knows something about guns and that gun laws like this are useless. About 20 percent are opposed to guns entirely and nothing we say or do will change that. In the middle there's the 60 percent who don't know and don't care about guns - but they are concerned about crime and getting shot and such so it's not hard to manipulate them into accepting more gun control as a 'good' thing UNLESS you can QUICKLY educate them otherwise. So the real solution is to attack gun control itself as being wasteful of money, unfair because it forces people to give up lawfully owned property that's never been misused, and divisive and intolerant.

    The libs will only want to spend so much time on this and if there's no political benefit and it turns people off, they'll put in the minimum amount needed to keep their people happy. Unlike our side (which honks me off) their side will accept 'baby steps' and won't crucify them as long as they do SOME 'good', they don't need them to ban all guns. They're playing a long game. They'll hope he gets re-elected and they can do more later.

    So if we poison the well, they won't go back to it very often. We should target 'gun control laws' in general as being bad and unnecessary, rather than too many specific exmaples. The specifics just take too long to explain and sell. You can definitely put some out there for people interested but the important thing is 'liberals - gun control - bad'.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member DanN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxer View Post
    We should target 'gun control laws' in general as being bad and unnecessary, rather than too many specific examples. The specifics just take too long to explain and sell. You can definitely put some out there for people interested but the important thing is 'liberals - gun control - bad'.
    Yes, we need to do that.


    Remember the "50 things you'd be supporting if you vote for Harper" list? It was a terrible list because it was so vague about everything, but it was effective. This is the kind of thing that needs to go on a list like that of our own. I think we need to flood social media with as much information as possible to get the word out. It worked for them, maybe it can work for us.

    Unlike them though, let's keep our information honest and truthful...

    1. Banned .50 Beowulf magazines because they were adapted from another design instead of being designed from scratch.
    2. Banned a Mossberg .22 rimfire rifle because it vaguely resembled another rifle they don't like.
    "I don't have a firearms problem; they all work perfectly well." - Strike that. I do have a problem; the gov't has decided some are too dangerous to own.
    Membership: CCFR, SAFGC
    Gov’t couldn’t make sense if you gave them a recipe.

  5. #4
    Senior Member Foxer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanN View Post
    Yes, we need to do that.


    Remember the "50 things you'd be supporting if you vote for Harper" list? It was a terrible list because it was so vague about everything, but it was effective. This is the kind of thing that needs to go on a list like that of our own. I think we need to flood social media with as much information as possible to get the word out. It worked for them, maybe it can work for us.

    Unlike them though, let's keep our information honest and truthful...
    No, no i don't remember that But - i'll bet those '50 things' were all things people had some knowledge of. or at least an opinion about. We MUST remember that as hard as it is for us to believe the general public has NO knowledge about guns, other than that guns are often used in crime and can kill so they're a little concerned. But uncle bob had one for hunting so they can't be ALL bad.

    That's largely what we've got to work with. The '50 things' idea can work within our community, there's a lot of people who have some knowlege but are not engaged in the fight and don't really care that much and that can bring them around. So - good idea for a commercial for wild tv, not so good for one to air during days of our lives.

    THere's really three fronts we have to work on -

    the "engaged" community who cares about this stuff, but who may be misinformed or have bought into the whole 'the cpc is evil' thing the NFA was selling. Those people need to be educated and brought onside for the upcoming fight, and detail is important.

    The 'disengaged' community - casual gun owners and/or hunters who know a little but don't really care enough to get into the fight. THey need to be educated and encouraged to get involved in a positive manner.

    The 'not our community' average person who knows nothing, and just needs to be educated on the most basic concepts because they won't spend the time to learn more. (they are the majority)

    The messages we put out there have to be tailored for the appropriate audience.

  6. #5
    Always against the grain Booletsnotreactwell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxer View Post
    The 'disengaged' community - casual gun owners and/or hunters who know a little but don't really care enough to get into the fight.
    I can't believe you just said that.

  7. #6
    Senior Member 3MTA3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxer View Post
    No, no i don't remember that But - i'll bet those '50 things' were all things people had some knowledge of. or at least an opinion about. We MUST remember that as hard as it is for us to believe the general public has NO knowledge about guns, other than that guns are often used in crime and can kill so they're a little concerned. But uncle bob had one for hunting so they can't be ALL bad.
    Well that' just not true The general public has lots of knowledge about guns, its just that the knowledge is largely incorrect and has been gained from Hollywood and biased news reports for the most part. We all need to do our part to shift this in the right direction.

    That's largely what we've got to work with. The '50 things' idea can work within our community, there's a lot of people who have some knowlege but are not engaged in the fight and don't really care that much and that can bring them around. So - good idea for a commercial for wild tv, not so good for one to air during days of our lives.
    I don't remember the '50 things' either- must have targeted to a specific audience.
    THere's really three fronts we have to work on -
    the "engaged" community who cares about this stuff, but who may be misinformed or have bought into the whole 'the cpc is evil' thing the NFA was selling. Those people need to be educated and brought onside for the upcoming fight, and detail is important.
    The whole 'the cpc is evil' and "Harper is evil" thing is why Trudeau won, and was pushed by many more the NFA- and they certainly had some valid points. Being forced to support Harper as a single issue "gun" voter is certainly distasteful to me. I would much rather see the gun control political football out of play.

    The 'disengaged' community - casual gun owners and/or hunters who know a little but don't really care enough to get into the fight. THey need to be educated and encouraged to get involved in a positive manner.

    The 'not our community' average person who knows nothing, and just needs to be educated on the most basic concepts because they won't spend the time to learn more. (they are the majority)

    The messages we put out there have to be tailored for the appropriate audience.
    We need our community to be bigger and span all the political parties the disengaged community doesn't know there is a fight.
    "You Cannot Comply Your Way Out of Tyranny"

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